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Pay Per Click (PPC)

Effective pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns make your target audience aware of your online presence by putting the right links on the right pages.

Pay-Per-Click (PPC) is a way of getting users to visit your website, by clicking through, either from sponsored links on search engines or directories, or though advertisements placed on other individual sites that are part of a pay per click scheme.

XTmotion can provide the following pay-per-click services:Pay per Click

  • Setup of your pay per click campaign
  • Management
  • Measurement & control to monitor its effectiveness.

Pay-Per-Click (PPC) On Search Engines And Directories

More and more search engines are now offering premium services for an enhanced listing within their directories. Currently the most popular are Yahoo Express, Google Adwords, Overture and Inktomi Inclusion. Every time a user clicks onto your website from one of these links you pay.

We are always up to speed with the latest releases to the market and will provide advice on which options are most appropriate for your business.

Pay-Per-Click Advertising On Individual Websites

There are also numerous schemes that place your advertisements on sites across the web. You then pay them for the referrals that you receive via these sites.

We can help you to identify the companies and services that will be of greatest benefit to your business in placing your adverts where they will be noticed, and on sites that are likely to be visited by your target audience.