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9 Things Sales Should Do To Help With Inbound Marketing

9 Things Sales Should Do To Help With Inbound Marketing

Inbound marketing is a team sport and I don’t mean just the marketing team, I mean the entire company. The sales and marketing teams are trying to accomplish the same goal, create new customers, so why not work together? I have worked with other organisations where sales representatives believe they are the root of each sale; however this couldn’t be further from the truth. As a sales person I respect my marketing team, they are the life blood of the...

The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs

The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs

Some really great little gems of information for all of us. Not just about presentation skills but about selling and marketing services and products.

Precious vs. Professional: Are Your Work Standards Reasonable?

Precious vs. Professional: Are Your Work Standards Reasonable?

“Can’t you just do it anyway? Help us out here!” A client said this to me last week, and I did help them. Sort of. The client wanted me to write content for the company website, which is due to launch in a few weeks. The thing was, they’d only given me content for about a quarter of the site’s pages, and most of those weren’t top-level pages. No more content would be forthcoming before the launch, but they needed...